Following supporting a few of our local Theatre Groups and contacts with Wedding Venue decorations we have decided to offer this service as part of our portfolio. Anything is possible and open for discussion , get in touch and let us know what you are thinking. Simply speaking we select a number of items with you , arrange the dates , we arrive with a full van and deliver. Once your event is over we return and collect, its that simple. We can even discuss bespoke items , if its possible we can give it a go!!
Theatre , TV and Film producers can also utilise this service, especially for larger items , saving money and reducing waste at the end of production. The rental cost is a fraction of the purchase cost and better for the enviroment. Again please call or email us to open a discussion , all of our materials are available and only a fraction of our stocksd are on the net ; we will even find the ones we do not yet have.
Bar - Barrel & Beech Bar
Barrels - oak full or half as required.
Benches as in stock
Cart - Candy or flower
Cart - small Vintage flower or sweet cart, folding.
Cart Wheels
Carved rustic dough trugs or bowls
Chests - metal stacking or nestling
Communion Rail
Cross with Jesus in Greek
Fairground features
Fairground Ride signage
Flags - assorted sizes and colours
Flags - various vintage ones always in stock
Galleon - film prop
Ladder flower feature
Large decorative crosses
Milk Churns
Photo opportunity - Vintage rustic Cart stays
Road lamp lights
Signs - assorted vintage , metal and painted available
Suitcase trolley or porters trolley - with suitcases as required.
Trade Bicycle
Travel Theme for recent Heritage Open Days Venue
Trays - vintage apple/chitting/baking tray options
Trestle Table bases , set 5 available - tops can be made to order or doors used.
Wine Crates